Manual Scarlett SC-EK18P01

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  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 1

    INSTRUCT ION M AN U AL РУКОВО ДСТВО ПО Э К С П Л У АТ АЦ И И ІНСТРУК ЦІЯ З ЕКСПЛУ АТА ЦІ Ї GB ELECTRIC KETTLE ........................................................................................... 4 RUS ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЙ Ч АЙ Н И К .................................................. ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 2

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 2 GB DESCRIPTI ON RUS УСТРОЙСТВО ИЗДЕЛИЯ 1. Base unit with cor d stor age c ompar tment 2. Bo d y 3. Spout 4. Rem ovable filter 5. Li d 6. Lid releas e butto n 7. On/Off s witch 8. Indicator l ight 9. Handle 10. Two water level ind icators 1. База питан ия с отс еком для ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 3

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 3 LT AP R AŠ YM AS H LE Í R ÁS 1. Šild ymo pagrindas su ele ktr os laido saugojim o sk yreliu 2. Korpusas 3. S na pelis 4. Nuim am as filtr as 5. Dangt is 6. Dangči o atid arymo m y g tuk as 7. Ju ngik lis 8. Veik imo š viesos indik atoriu s 9. Rank ena 10. Du vand ens l ygo ind ikator iai 1. Áramf orr? ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 4

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 4 GB INSTRUCTION M ANUAL IM P O RT AN T S AF E G U AR D S • Ple ase rea d these o perat ing instruc tions caref ully before c onnectin g your k ettle t o the po wer sup pl y, in order to avoi d damage d ue to inc orrect use . • Bef ore switc hing on the ap pliance f or the f irst time please chec k if the ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 5

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 5 случилос ь, неме дленно отключ ите устройств о от электр осети и, прежде чем пользо ваться им дальше, п ровер ьте работ оспос обность и безопаснос ть пр ибора у квалиф ици? ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 6

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 6 • Nepo nořujt e spotř ebič a n apájec í k abel do vod y nebo jiné tek utiny . Stalo - li s e tak , okam žitě odpojte spotřebič od elek trick é sítě, a ne ž ho b udete používat, přek ontrolujte jeho pro vozuschop nost a bezpečnost u odbor ník ů . • Při p ošk ození přívo dní šň ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 7

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 7 • В тез и сл учаи, кога то зах ранващи ят кабел е повреден, с цел избягван е на рис кови сит уации, захранв ащият каб ел тряб ва да бъ де зам енен от произво дителя и ли отори ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 8

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 8 М ІРИ БЕЗПЕКИ • У важно пр очитайте дан у і н с тр укц і ю п еред е кспл уатац ією п ри лад у, щоб запоб ігти поло мок при вик орис танні . • П ерш ніж увімкн ути при лад, перев ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 9

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 9 ЗБЕР Е ЖЕ ННЯ • Ви кона йте усі вим оги р озді лу ОЧИ ЩЕН НЯ Т А ДОГЛЯ Д. • Зб ерігайте п рила д у сухо му прохо лодном у місці. SCG УПУТСТВО З А РУКОВАЊЕ СИГУРН ОСН Е М ЕРЕ • П ? ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 10

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 10 EST KA S UT AMISJUHEND OHUTUSNÕU ANDED • Enn e teek annu k asutusele võttu tut vuge tähelepane likult k äesol eva juhen diga. N ii väl dite võim alikk e vigu ja ohte seadm e k asutamis el. • Enn e esim est s isselülitam ist k ontrolli ge, kas tootel e mär gitud tehnilis ed k arakter istik ud vas ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 11

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 11 • Nei zvietoj iet ierīc i vai elek trova du ūde nī vai k ādā citā šķ idrum ā. Ja tas ir notic is nek avējoties ats lēdziet t o no e lekt rotīk la un pirm s tur pināt ierīces lietošan u, pārbau diet tās dar ba spējas un droš ību pie k valif icēt iem s peciālis tie m . • Ier īce nav ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 12

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 12 • Pas irūpink ite, k ad elek tros laidas neliest ų aštri ų kam pų ir karš tų paviršių. • T rauk dami kištuk ą iš elek tros lizd o, niek ada netempk ite laido. • Pr ieta isas tur i tvir tai s tovė ti ant sauso l ygaus paviršia us. Nestat ykit e vird uli o ant k arš tų paviršių bei ša ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 13

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 13 • A te afő zőt műk ödés közbe n levenn i az elem ről tilos, előbb k apcsolj a ki a zt. • Mie lőtt bek apcsoln á a k észülék et, elle nőriz ze helyesen v an - e lezárva a fedel e, m ert ha helytele nül – ak kor nem f og kapcs olni az auto mat ikus kikapcs olás a ví z forr ása esetén ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 14

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 14 • Құра лды қор ектен у жүйес інен сөн діргенд е шаңышқы ны ұс таңыз, а л қоректе ну ба уынан тартпаңы з. • Құры лғы құрғ ақ тег іс бетт е тұра қты тұр уы тиіс. Құралды ыс тығ ...

  • Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - page 15

    I M011 www.scarlett.r u SC - EK18 P0 1 15 • Nenec háv ajte zap nut ý sp otrebič be z do zoru. • Nepo užívajte prís lušenst vo, k toré nie j e súčasťo u dodávk y. • Zák az pou žívania sp otreb iče s pošk odeným prívodn ým k áblom a/alebo zástr čk ou. Pre zamed zenie nebe zpeče nstva m usíte pošk oden ý kábel v ymeni ...

Manufacturer Scarlett Category Kettle

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Scarlett SC-EK18P01 can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Scarlett technical drawings
- SC-EK18P01 manuals
- Scarlett product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Scarlett SC-EK18P01
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Scarlett SC-EK18P01.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Scarlett SC-EK18P01, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Scarlett SC-EK18P01. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Scarlett SC-EK18P01.

Similar manuals

A complete manual for the device Scarlett SC-EK18P01, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Scarlett SC-EK18P01 by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Scarlett SC-EK18P01.

A complete Scarlett manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Scarlett SC-EK18P01, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Scarlett SC-EK18P01, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Scarlett SC-EK18P01 - which should help us in our first steps of using Scarlett SC-EK18P01
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Scarlett SC-EK18P01
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Scarlett SC-EK18P01 in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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