Bedienungsanleitung AB Soft ii

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  • AB Soft ii - page 1

    The Brie f Pain Inv ento ry User Gu ide Char les S. Cleelan d, P hD ii C opyright and T e r m s of Us e The B rie f Pain In vento ry (BPI) copy r igh t is held by Dr. C harles S. Cleelan d (19 91) . The c opyrig ht appl ies to t he BPI a nd all it s der iv at ives in any l ang u age. The B PI may no t be us ed or repro duce d wit hout perm ission f ...

  • AB Soft ii - page 2

    i Tab l e of Co n ten ts C hap te r 1 ... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... .... ....... ....... . 1 D evel opm ent o f th e Br ie f P a in In ven tor y ...... ....... . 1 Ba ckgr ound ..... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... . 1 Devel op ing a Measur ement Mo del an d It ems 2 Tes t C on str uct ion S t a nda r ...

  • AB Soft ii - page 3

    1 Chapt er 1 De ve l op m en t o f th e Br ie f P a in I nven tor y The B rie f Pain In vento ry ( BPI) h as beco me one of the most w i d ely use d measur ement t ools for asse ssing cl inical p ain. Th e BPI allow s pat i e nts to r ate t h e s e ve r it y o f th eir pa in a nd t he d egr ee t o wh ich t heir p ain i nter feres wit h comm on d im ...

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    3 would b e e asil y tra nslate d for no n-Engl ish- spea k ing p atients; a n d (e) w ou ld cap t ure no t only pai n sev erity, b ut also the p e r ception of how pai n inte rfe red with daily life . Test Constructio n Standards As a gu id e to sca l e co nst r uctio n, we used then -curr ent psy c hom e t r ic stand ards fou nd in t he St and a ...

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    5 E arl y V ersi on : T he Wis c onsi n Bri ef Pai n Q ues ti onn ai re The fi r st v ersion of ou r pain measu re was the Wi sconsi n B r ief Pai n Question nair e (BPQ ; Daut & Cleelan d, 1982 ; Daut , Cleel and, & Fla nery , 1983 ) . In t he init i al p hase of sc ale de v e l opment , 667 patient s with c ancer and 32 patient s with r h ...

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    7 in cl i n ical and r esear ch a ppl icatio ns. The shor t form is t yp i c all y wha t is ref erre d to when the BPI is ci ted in researc h, a nd it is the ve rsio n we descri be b elow . Most p sychome tric e va luatio ns of the BPI have b een perf orme d on the short form. Scoring the Brief Pain Inven t o r y as an Outcome Measure A rec ent con ...

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    9 from 8 0 cent e r s were enr olled i n t h e study (Cleela nd e t al., 199 4). Fact o r analys i s v er i fie d the tw o separat e factors, pain se v er ity an d interf e r ence, found in th e pre v ious study . Int ern al s tabilit y (Cr o nb a c h al pha ) was also examin ed in this stu dy . Alpha s s howed go od in t e rna l c onsi stency , ra ...

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    11 Tes t-Retes t Reliab ility and A lternate-Fo rms Reli ability : the H indi T ran sla tio n Finall y, one st udy comb ine d an e xaminat i on of bot h t est-ret est rel i ab i l i t y and alt ernate-f orms rel iab i lity (Saxena et al ., 19 99). I n th is stud y, 100 pat ie nts wit h cancer w ho s p o ke both Engl ish and Hind i compl eted both l ...

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    13 cl in ical t rial s: IMMPAC T rec o mm endation s. J P a in 9 (2): 105 - 1 21, 2/200 8. Food and Dru g Administr ation. Gui deline s for Indust ry (draft ). Pat ient-R epor ted Out c om e Mea s ur es: Use in Med ic al Prod u ct Deve lopmen t to Supp ort Label ing Claims. 2 006. Rockv il le MD, U.S . Departm ent of Health and H uman Ser vi c es. ...

  • AB Soft ii - page 10

    15 Chapt er 2 BPI Ref erenc e s: Use of the B P I in Various St udies The Brief Pai n Inve ntory ha s been u sed in more tha n 40 0 studi es wo rldwi de. Here we pre sen t BPI refer ences cat egor iz e d b y typ e of stud y . Can cer Bo ne P ai n .... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..16 Can cer E pide mi ol o gy .. .... ....... .. ...

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    17 indu ced pain flar e after pall iat ive r a d ioth er apy for bone met astases-a pilot st udy. Sup port Care Canc e r 15 (6): 643-647 , 6/20 07. 8. Cleel and CS. The m easurem e nt of pai n from m e t astatic bone d iseas e: capt uring t he patient' s exper i e nce. Cl in Canc er Res 12(20 Pt 2): 6236s-6 242s, 10/200 6. 9. Co le lla J, Sc r ...

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    19 met ast ases i n can cer pat ients]. Nippon Iga ku Hosha sen Gakk ai Zassh i 65(4 ): 399-410 , 10/200 5. 24. Pi stevo u-Gomp aki K, Kou lou l ias V E, V arv eris C, Mystak idou K, Georga kop o ulos G, E l efthe r iadi s N, Gompaki s N, Ko uva ris J. Rad iotherap y plus either tr ansderm al fenta nyl or p ara cetam ol and codein e for pa i n fu l ...

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    21 9. Holtan A, A ass N , Nordoy T, Haugen DF , Ka asa S , Moh r W, Ko n g s ga ard UE. Pre valen c e o f pain in hosp italised cancer pat i e nts in Nor way: a nat ional sur vey. P all i a t Med 21(1 ): 7-13, 1/20 07. 10. Kong sg aard UE, Holta n A, Aa ss N. Prev al ence of cancer pain in ou t pat ients at a N o r wegian c o m prehe nsive can cer ...

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    23 Cooperat iv e On cology Gr oup. Ann Oncol 16( 6) : 972-98 0, 6/20 05. 11. Du Pen SL, Du Pe n AR, Po lissa r N, Ha nsbe rry J, K raybi ll BM, Sti llma n M, Panke J, Ev erly R, Syrj ala K. I mple menti ng gu i d elines for can cer p ain mana gement : r esults of a r andomiz e d controlled clinical trial. J Clin Oncol 17(1 ): 361- 370, 1/1999. 12. ...

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    25 28. Li ang SY , Ya t e s P, Edwa rds H, Ts ay SL. Facto r s in fluenci ng op io id -ta k ing self-eff i c ac y and an alg esic adh erence in Ta iwa nese outp atients with ca ncer. Psy c hoonc o l ogy, 3/200 8. 29. Lin CC. C omp ar iso n of the e ffects of p e r ceived self-ef fica cy on co ping w ith ch roni c cance r pain and coping with c hro ...

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    27 mor ph i n e p r e -t re ated an d o pioid naive pat ients w ith tr ansdermal f entanyl. Int J Ca ncer 1 07(3 ): 4 86-49 2, 11 /2003. 46. Mysta k id ou K, Par pa E, Kat souda E, Galanos A, V l ahos L . Influ ence o f p a in and q uali t y of life on desir e for hasten ed death in patie nts wi th adv an c ed cance r. In t J Pa lliat Nu rs 10(10 ) ...

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    29 popula tion o f men w ith pros tate cance r. B r J Cance r 85(4) : 497-50 3, 8/2001. 62. Sa ndb l om G , Carlss on P, Sennf alt K , V arenho rst E. A populatio n-base d study of pai n and quali ty of l i fe during the year befor e d e ath in m en wi t h prost ate can cer. Br J Canc e r 90(6): 1163 - 1168, 3 /2004. 63. Sei dman AD , Porte noy R, ...

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    31 Depressive Disorders 1. Bran nan SK, Ma llinck r odt CH, B rown EB, Woh lreich M M, Watk in JG, Scha tzbe rg AF . Dulox e ti ne 6 0 mg once -dai ly in the tr e atm ent of painful physical symptom s in pat ients w i t h major dep r ess iv e dis ord er . J Ps ychi a tr R es 39 (1) : 43- 53 , 1/20 0 5. 2. Brecht S, Court ecuis se C, Deb i e u v r e ...

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    33 7. Schif f m an n R, K opp JB , Austin H A, II I, Sabni s S, Moore D F, Weibel T, Ba low JE, B rady RO . Enzyme r eplace ment the rapy i n Fa bry dis ea se: a ran dom ize d co ntr oll ed t r ial. JA MA 285 (21 ): 2743 -2749 , 6/2001. F ibro mya lgia 1. Arms trong DG , Chapp ell AS, Le TK, Kaj dasz DK, B ackonj a M, D'Sou za DN , Russel l JM ...

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    35 8. New shan G, L e fko w itz M. Tran sderm al fent anyl f o r chronic pain in AIDS: a pi l o t stu dy. J Pain Symp tom Manage 21 (1): 69- 77, 1/20 01 . 9. Sim monds M J, Nov y D, San dov al R. The di ffere ntia l inf luenc e o f pain and fat igu e on phy s ical perform ance a nd healt h statu s in ambu latory pat ients w i t h huma n imm un odef ...

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    37 8. Chae J , Masc aren has D , Yu D T, Ki rstein s A, E lovi c EP, F lan agan SR , Harv ey RL, Zo rowit z RD, F ang ZP. Pos tstro ke shou lder pain : its re lati onshi p to motor i mpa i rmen t, ac tiv i t y limi ta tio n, and qual i ty of life. A r ch Ph ys Med Rehab i l 88(3 ) : 298-30 1, 3 / 200 7. 9. Dalp iaz AS, D o d ds TA. M y ofas cial pa ...

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    39 28. Renzen brink G J, IJz erman MJ. Per cutaneo us ne uromus cular electr i cal stimulation (P-NMES) for tr eating shoulde r pain in chro nic he miplegi a. Ef fects on sho ulde r pai n and qu ality of l i fe. Cl in Rehab i l 18(4 ) : 359-3 65, 6/2004. 29. Saw atzky BJ, Sloboge an GP, Rei lly CW, Cham bers CT, Hol A T. Pr eva l ence of sho ulder ...

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    41 val pro ate in p at ients with can cer-r e l at ed neuro pathic pain. J Pa i n Symptom M ana ge 21(3 ) : 204 -209, 3 / 20 01. 9. Katz N P, G ammaito ni AR, Da vis MW, Dwo rkin R H. Lid o caine pat ch 5 % redu ce s p a in int ensit y and inter fer enc e with qual ity o f l i fe in pat ie nts with post herpet ic neur algia : an ef fectivenes s tr ...

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    43 5. Cowan DT, Wi lson-B arne tt J, Griffi ths P , Vau ghan DJ , Gon dhia A, Allan LG. A random ized, double-b l ind, placebo-controlled, cro ss-over pilot study to asse s s the eff ects of long-t e rm op ioid drug co nsum pti on and sub se quent a bs tine nce i n ch roni c non c a ncer pa in pat ients r eceiving controll e d-releas e morph i n e. ...

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    45 fi nd ings f ro m a pi lo t study. J Opioid Manag 3(3) : 145-154 , 5/20 07. 22. Thi e NM , Pras ad NG, Ma jor PW. Ev aluatio n of glucos amin e sulf ate com pared t o ibupro fen fo r the tre atm e nt o f tem porom and i b ular joint osteoart hrit is: a ran do m ized doubl e bli nd contro lled 3 month clin ica l tri al. J Rhe umato l 28(6) : 1347 ...

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    47 5. Da v ison SN. P ain in hem odial y sis pat ients: pre val ence, cau se, se ve r ity, an d mana gement . A m J Ki dne y Di s 42(6 ): 1239 -1247, 12/2 003. 6. Dell D D, We ave r C, Ko zempel J , Ba rsevi ck A. Re cove ry af t e r tr ansverse r ectus abdom inis m y ocutan eous flap brea st r econ stru ct io n sur gery. Oncol Nu rs Forum 3 5(2): ...

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    49 placebo-c ontrolled clinical trial. J E p id em io l B ios t a t 5(6 ): 359- 365, 2000. 23. Ti ttle MB, M cM i llan SC, Hag an S. V alid ating the brief pain inve n tory f or use wit h surgical patient s with can cer. Oncol Nur s Fo rum 30 (2): 325 - 330, 3/2003. 24. V an T o ngeren RB, Ha mming JF , Fib be WE , Van W, V , Frerichs SJ, Stigg elb ...

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    51 acute onc ol og y settin g . A sia-Pa cific Journ al of Clinical Onc o l ogy 3(2 ) : 8 9-94, 6/20 07. 12. Cleelan d CS, Ry an KM. Pain a ssessment: glob a l use of th e Brief Pain In v en t ory. A nn Acad Med Singap ore 23(2 ): 129-1 38 , 3/19 94. 13. Cleelan d CS. P ain assessm ent: t he ad v ant ages of using pai n scal es in ly sosom al stora ...

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    53 To o l s: Is th e Conte nt Appr opr iate f or Us e in Palli at ive Care ? J Pa i n Symptom M ana ge 32(6 ) : 567 -580, 12 / 2 006. 29. J anjan N A, Payn e R , Gilli s T, Podolo ff D, Libshi tz HI, Lenzi R, Ther iault R, M art in C, Ya sko A. Pre senting sym ptoms in pat ients r e ferr ed to a m ultid is ciplinar y c l inic for bone m etast ases. ...

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    55 the t i m e tr ade- o ff. Jour nal of Cl inical E pid em iol ogy 60 ( 10 ): 1029 -1033 , 10/2007. 46. Ra dbruch L, Lo i ck G, Kie ncke P, Lin dena G, S abatow ski R , Gr ond S, Lehm ann KA , Cl e eland CS . V al idat i o n of t he Germ an v er sion of th e Br i ef P ain Inventor y . J Pain Sy mptom Ma nage 18( 3) : 1 80-187, 9 /1999. 47. Radbruc ...

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    57 osteoa rth r i tic pain. J Pai n Symptom M anage 3 1(1): 48-5 7, 1/20 06. 64. Wu EQ , B orton J , Sai d G, Le TK, Mon z B, Rosi l io M, Avo inet S. Estim ated pre valen ce of p eripheral neur op at hy and asso ciated p a i n i n adult s with diab ete s in F r ance. Curr Med Res Opin 23(9 ) : 2 035-2042, 9/2007. 65. Yun YH, Me ndoza T R , Heo DS, ...

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    59 9. U ki J, Me ndo za T , Cl eel and C S, Na kam ura Y , T ake da F. A br ief can cer pa i n a ssessment tool i n Japan ese: the uti l ity of t he Jap a n e se Br ief P ain In v en t ory--B PI-J. J Pa in Sym ptom Mana ge 16(6): 364-37 3, 12 / 1998. 10. Wa ng X S , Mendo za TR, G ao SZ , Clee land CS. The Chines e ver sion of the Br ief Pain In v ...

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    61 16. Cleelan d CS. Measurem ent a nd pr ev al ence of pain i n can cer. Sem i n O ncol N urs 1(2 ): 87-92 , 5/1985. 17. Cle ela nd CS. How to t r e at a " cons truc t " . J Pai n Sympt om Ma nage 1(3 ) : 16 1-162, 1986. 18. Cleelan d CS, Lad i n sky JL, Serli n RC, Nugy en CT. Mult i d imens i o nal mea surement of can cer pain: compar ...

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    63 BR, Stauffe r JW , vo n ST, W hi t e RE, Wi tt er J, Z avis i c S. Int erpretin g th e cl inical imp ortanc e o f treatm ent ou tco m es in chro nic pai n cli nica l trials : IMM P ACT rec ommendati ons . J Pai n 9(2) : 105-121 , 2/2008 . 35. Ewi ng G, Todd C, Rogers M, Barc lay S, M cCabe J , Ma r tin A. Val idation of a s ymptom m easure su i ...

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    65 51. Li KK, Harri s K, Hadi S, C how E. What s h ou ld be the op tima l cut po int s for m ild, moderat e, and se vere pain ? J ournal of Pall i at iv e Medic i ne 10(6 ) : 1338 - 1 346, 12/200 7. 52. Li KK, Hadi S, Ki r ou-Mau ro A, Chow E. Whe n shou ld we defin e the respons e rates in the tre atment o f bone m etast ases by pa l liativ e radi ...

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    67 69. Ta n G, J ense n MP, Tho rnby JI, Sh anti BF. V a lidati on of t he Bri ef Pai n In v entory f or chro nic nonmalig nant pain. J Pai n 5(2): 133- 137, 3/2004. 70. Yun YH, P a rk YS , Lee E S , Bang S M , Heo DS, Park S Y, Yo u CH, Wes t K. Vali dati o n of the Ko r ean ve r sion of t he EO RTC Q LQ- C30. Qual L i fe Res 1 3(4): 86 3-868, 5 / ...

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Die Bedienungsanleitung, auch bezeichnet als Benutzerhandbuch, oder einfach nur „Anleitung”, ist ein technisches Dokument, das dem Benutzer bei der Nutzung von AB Soft ii hilfreich sein soll. Die Bedienungsanleitungen werden in der Regel von technischen Schriftstellern geschrieben, aber in einer Sprache, die für alle Nutzer von AB Soft ii verständlich ist.

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