Manuel d’utilisation Indesit IWB 5065

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  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 1

    GB 1 Contents Installation, 2-3 Unpacking and levelling Connecting the electricity and water supplies The first wash cycle T echnical data Description of the washing machine and starting a wash cycle, 4-5 Control panel Indicator lights Starting a wash cycle W ash cycles, 6 T able of wash cycles Personalisation, 7 Setting the temperature Functions D ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 2

    2 GB Installation  This instruction manual should be kept in a safe place for future reference. If the washing machine is sold, transferred or moved, make sure that the instruction manual remains with the machine so that the new owner is able to familiarise himself/herself with its operation and features.  Read these instructions carefully: t ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 3

    GB 3 T ech nica l da ta Model IW B 5 06 5 Dimensi ons width 59. 5 cm he ig ht 85 c m de pth 52, 5 cm Capac i ty fro m 1 to 5 kg Electric al connec tions please refer t o th e tech n ical dat a plate fix ed t o th e mac h in e W ater connect ions max i mu m p r es s u r e 1 MP a ( 1 0 ba r) min i mu m pre s s u r e 0 .05 MPa ( 0 .5 b ar) dr u m capa ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 4

    4 GB Detergent dispenser drawer: used to dispense detergents and washing additives ( see Detergents and laundry ). ON/OFF button: switches the washing machine on and off. WASH CYCLE knob: programmes the wash cycles. During the wash cycle, the knob does not move. FUNCTION buttons with indicator light : used to select the available functions. T ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 5

    GB 5 Indicator lights The indicator lights provide important information. This is what they can tell you: Delayed start If the DELA Y TIMER function has been activated ( see Personalisation ), after the wash cycle has been started the indicator light corresponding to the selected delay period will begin to flash: As time passes, the remaining ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 6

    6 GB Specials wash cycles Express (wash cycle 10 ) this wash cycle was designed to wash lightly soiled garments quickly: it lasts just 15 minutes and therefore saves both energy and time. By selecting this wash cycle ( 10 at 30°C), it is possible to wash different fabrics together (except for wool and silk items), with a maximum load of 1.5 kg. Sp ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 7

    GB 7 Setting the temperature T ur n the TEMPERA TURE knob to set the wash temperature (see T able of wash cycles ). The temperature may be lowered, or even set to a cold wash . The washing machine will automatically prevent you from selecting a temperature which is higher than the maximum value set for each wash cycle. Functions The various wash fu ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 8

    8 GB Deter gents and laundry Detergent dispenser drawer Good washing results also depend on the correct dose of detergent: adding too much detergent will not necessarily result in a more efficient wash, and may in fact cause build up on the inside of your appliance and contribute to environmental pollution.  Do not use hand washing detergents be ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 9

    GB 9 Pr ecautions and tips  This washing machine was designed and constructed in accordance with international safety regulations. The following information is provided for safety reasons and must therefore be read carefully . General safety  This appliance was designed for domestic use only .  The washing machine must only be used by adul ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 10

    10 GB Car e and maintenance Cutting off the water and electricity supplies  T ur n off the water tap after every wash cycle. This will limit wear on the hydraulic system inside the washing machine and help to prevent leaks.  Unplug the washing machine when cleaning it and during all maintenance work. Cleaning the washing machine The outer par ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 11

    GB 11 T r oubleshooting Y our washing machine could fail to work. Before contacting the T echnical Assistance Centre ( see Assistance ), make sure that the problem cannot be not solved easily using the following list. Problem: The washing machine does not switch on. The wash cycle does not start. The washing machine does not take in water (th ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 12

    12 GB Service Before calling for Assistance:  Check whether you can solve the problem alone ( see T roubleshooting );  Restart the programme to check whether the problem has been solved;  If this is not the case, contact an authorised T echnical Assistance Centre using the telephone number provided on the guarantee certificate.  A ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 13

    13 RO Românã Sumar Instalare, 14-15 Despachetare ºi punere la nivel Racorduri hidraulice ºi electrice Primul ciclu de spãlare Date tehnice Descrierea maºinii de spãlat ºi activarea unui program, 16-17 Panoul de control Indicatoare luminoase Activarea unui program Programe, 18 T abel de programe Personalizare, 19 Reglarea temperaturii Funcþ ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 14

    14 RO Instalare  Este important sã pãstraþi acest manual pentru a-l putea consulta în orice moment. În caz de vânzare, de cesiune sau de schimbare a locuinþei, acesta trebuie sã rãmânã împreunã cu maºina de spãlat pentru a informa noul proprietar cu privire la funcþionare ºi la respectivele avertismente.  Citiþi cu atenþie ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 15

    15 RO 65 - 100 cm Conectarea furtunului de golire Conectaþi furtunul de golire - fãrã a-l îndoi - la canalizare sau la racordul de golire prevãzut pe perete, la o înãlþime de 65 - 100 cm de sol; Sprijiniþi-l de marginea cãzii sau chiuvetei ºi racordaþi ºina de ghidare din dotare la robinet (a se vedea figura) . Capãtul liber al furtun ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 16

    16 RO Sertarul detergenþilor: pentru a introduce detergenþi sau aditivi (a se vedea Detergenþi ºi rufe albe). T asta PORNIRE/OPRIRE: pentru a porni ºi opri maºina. Selector PROGRAME: pentru a selecta programele. Pe durata desfãºurãrii programului selectorul rãmâne în aceeaºi poziþie. T aste cu led FUNCÞII: pentru a selecta func ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 17

    17 RO Indicatoare luminoase Ledurile furnizeazã informaþii importante. Iatã ce indicã: Pornire întârziatã Dacã a fost activatã funcþia Pornire întârziatã ( a se vedea Personalizare), dupã activarea programului, se va aprinde intermitent ledul corespunzãtor întârzierii selectate: Cu trecerea timpului, se va vizualiza în ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 18

    18 RO Programe speciale Express (programul 10 ) a fost studiat pentru a spãla articolele foarte puþin murdare, în mod rapid: dureazã doar 15 de minute ceea ce economiseºte energie ºi timp. Selectând programul ( 10 la 30°C) este posibilã spãlarea articolelor din materiale diferite (excluse lâna ºi mãtasea) cu o greutate maximã de 1,5 k ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 19

    19 RO Reglarea temperaturii Rotind selectorul de TEMPERA TURÃ se fixeazã temperatura de spãlare ( a se vedea T abelul programelor ). T emperatura poate fi redusã pânã la spãlarea la rece ( ). Maºina va împiedica în mod automat de a alege o temperaturã mai mare decât maxima admisã pentru fiecare program. Funcþii Diferitele funcþii de ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 20

    20 RO Detergenþi ºi rufe albe Compartimentul pentru detergenþi Un rezultat bun la spãlare depinde ºi de dozarea corectã a detergentului: excesul de detergent nu garanteazã o spãlare mai eficientã, ci contribuie la deteriorarea pãrþilor interne ale maºinii de spãlat ºi la poluarea mediului înconjurãtor .  Nu introduceþi în maºi ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 21

    21 RO Precauþii ºi sfaturi  Maºina de spãlat a fost proiectatã ºi construitã conform normelor internaþionale de protecþie. Aceste avertizãri sunt furnizate din motive de siguranþã ºi trebuie sã fie citite cu atenþie. Norme de protecþie ºi siguranþã generale  Acest aparat a fost conceput exclusiv pentru utilizarea în locuin ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 22

    22 RO Întreþinere ºi curãþare Întreruperea alimentãrii cu apã ºi curent electric  Închideþi robinetul de apã dupã fiecare spãlare. Se limiteazã astfel uzura instalaþiei hidraulice a maºinii de spãlat ºi se eliminã pericolul scurgerilor .  Scoateþi stecherul din priza de curent atunci când curãþaþi maºina de spãlat ? ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 23

    23 RO Anomalii ºi remedii Se poate întâmpla ca maºina de spãlat sã nu funcþioneze. Înainte de a apela serviciul de Service ( a se vedea Asistenþã ), verificaþi dacã nu este vorba de o problemã uºor de rezolvat: Anomalii: Maºina de spãlat nu porneºte. Ciclul de spãlare nu porneºte. Maºina de spãlat nu se alimenteazã cu ap ...

  • Indesit IWB 5065 - page 24

    24 RO Asistenþã Înainte de a lua legãtura cu Service-ul:  V erificaþi dacã puteþi rezolva singuri problema (a se vedea Anomalii ºi remedii);  Porniþi din nou programul pentru a controla dacã inconvenientul a fost eliminat;  În caz negativ , luaþi legãtura cu asistenþa tehnicã autorizatã la numãrul telefonic indicat p ...

Fabricant Indesit Catégorie Washer

Les documents que nous recevons du fabricant de l'appareilIndesit IWB 5065 peuvent être divisés en plusieurs groupes. Ceux-ci sont, entre autres:
- dessins techniques Indesit
- manuels d’utilisations IWB 5065
- fiches produit Indesit
- dépliants
- ou étiquettes-énergie Indesit IWB 5065
Tous sont importants, mais les informations les plus importantes du point de vue de l'utilisation de l'appareil se trouvent dans le manuel d’utilisation Indesit IWB 5065.

Un groupe de documents appelé manuels d’utilisation est également divisé en types plus spécifiques, tels que: Manuels d’installation Indesit IWB 5065, manuels d’entretien, brefs manuels ou manuels de l’utilisateur Indesit IWB 5065. Selon vos besoins, vous devriez chercher le document dont vous avez besoin. Sur notre site, vous pouvez voir le manuel le plus populaire d’utilisation du produit Indesit IWB 5065.

Manuels d’utilsiation similaires

Manuel d’utilisation complet de l’appareil Indesit IWB 5065, quelle devrait-elle être?
Le manuel d’utilisation, également appelé le mode d’emploi, ou tout simplement le manuel, est un document technique destiné à aider à utiliser Indesit IWB 5065 par les utilisateurs. Des manuels sont généralement écrits par un rédacteur technique, mais dans un langage accessible à tous les utilisateurs Indesit IWB 5065.

Le manuel d’utilisation complet Indesit, devrait inclure plusieurs éléments de base. Certains d'entre eux sont moins importants, tels que: la couverture / page de titre ou pages d'auteur. Cependant, la partie restante, devrait nous fournir des informations importantes du point de vue de l'utilisateur.

1. Introduction et des conseils sur la façon d'utiliser le manuel Indesit IWB 5065 - Au début de chaque manuel, nous devrions trouver des indices sur la façon d'utiliser le document. Il doit contenir des informations sur l'emplacement de la table des matières Indesit IWB 5065, FAQ ou des problèmes les plus fréquents - les points qui sont les plus souvent recherchés par les utilisateurs de chaque manuel
2. Table des matières - index de tous les conseils pour lIndesit IWB 5065 qui peuvent être trouvés dans le document courant
3. Conseils sur la façon d'utiliser les fonctions de base de l’appareil Indesit IWB 5065 - qui devraient nous aider dans les premières étapes lors de l'utilisation Indesit IWB 5065
4. Troubleshooting - séquence systématique des activités qui nous aideront à diagnostiquer et ensuite résoudre les principaux problèmes de Indesit IWB 5065
5. FAQ - questions fréquemment posées
6. Détails du contact Informations sur l'endroit où chercher le contact avec le fabricant / service Indesit IWB 5065 dans un pays donné, si le problème ne peut être résolu par nous-mêmes.

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