Manual Sterling Plumbing SKW-E

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  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 1

    Op er ating In struc tions Two com po nent pro por tion ing valve SKW-E 1 4 6 - 3 M S Ster ling Ma te rial Pro cess ing ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 2

    Tech ni cal ser vice: Ser vice de part ment Tele phone: (800) 423-3183 Edi tion: 08/02 Con fir ma tion num ber: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 4 6 - 3 M S SKW-E 2 Ster ling Ma te rial Pro cess ing 5200 West Clinton Ave. Mil wau kee, WI 53223 Tele phone: (414) 354-0970 Fax: (414) 354-6421 www.sterlco. com These op er at ing in struc tions ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 3

    Ster ling Ma te rial Pro cess ing re tains all rights to change the in for ma tion in these op - er at ing in struc tions at any time with out no tice. We as sume no li a bil ity for any er rors or di rect or in di rect dam age re sult ing in con text with these op er at ing in struc tions. Copying, trans la tion or pub li ca tion in any form ex ce ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 4

    Please note that our address and phone information has changed. Please reference this page for updat ed contact information. These manuals are obsolet e and are provided only for their technical information , data and capacities. Portions of the se manuals detail ing procedure s or precaution s in the operati on, inspect ion, main tenance and repai ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 5

    Ta ble of con tents 1. Gen eral in struc tions (Ver sion: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02) ......................... 1-1 1.1. Warn ings and sym bols ............................................. 1-2 1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma tion ....................................... 1-3 1.3. Le gal ba sis ...................................................... 1-3 ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 6

    8. In stal la tion in struc tions (Ver sion: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02) ...................... 8-1 8.1. In stal la tion ....................................................... 8-2 8.2. Elec tri cal con nec tion .............................................. 8-3 8.2.1. Ster ling Sin gle Con veyor Unit with 230 V-Out put Port .......... 8-3 8.2.2. Ster li ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 7

    1. Ge ne ral in struc tions Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 » The se in struc tions ap ply to all per sons wit hin the ran ge of ac ti on of the equip - ment. The se ope ra ting in struc tions are to be used by all per sons as sig ned ac ti vi - ties con nec ted with the equip ment. 1 4 6 - 3 M S SKW-E Ge ne ral in struc tions 1 - 1 ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 8

    1.1. War nings and sym bols The fol lo wing war nings and sym bols are used in the se ope ra ting in struc tions: » This sym bol in di ca tes dan ger to life ! Fa tal or se ri ous in ju ry is pos si ble if the cor re spon ding in struc tions, re gu la tions or war nings are not ob ser ved. L This sym bol in di ca tes that se ri ous in ju ry is pos ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 9

    1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for m a ti on Va ri ous terms and de sig na tions are used in the se ope ra ting in struc tions to en su re cla ri ty. The re - fo re plea se note that the terms used in the text stand for the cor re spon ding ex pla na tions lis ted be - low. • Equip ment ”Equip ment” can mean an in di vi du al unit , a ma chi ne ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 10

    2. Sa fe ty in stru c tions Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 » The se sa fe ty in struc tions ap ply to all per sons wit hin the ran ge of ac ti on of the equip ment. Plea se in form all per sons wit hin the ran ge of ac ti on of the equip ment of the di rect and in di rect ha zards con nec ted with the equip ment. The se ope ra ting in struc tions ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 11

    2.1. For your sa fe ty Ge ne ral The ope ra ting per son nel of this equip ment must be at least 16 ye ars old. Plea se read the se ope ra ting in struc tions ca re ful ly be fo re ta king into ope ra ti on for the fir st time. Con tact us should que stions ari se. This avoids in ju ry and da ma ge to equip ment! The se ope ra ting in struc tions m ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 12

    As sem bly Com pa re the con nec ted lo ads with tho se of the mains supp ly. Dan ger of in ju ry through elec tri cal shock! When using lif ting gear, plea se ob ser ve the per tai ning re gu la tions. Cau ti on: Dan ger of ac ci dents! Do not mo di fy, add ot her equip ment or chan ge the de sign of the equip ment wit hout the ap pro val of the m ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 13

    Ope ra ti on Ap point an equip ment fo re man to be re spon si ble for the equip ment. En su re that the ope ra ting per son nel are pro vi ded de tai led in struc ti on in the ope ra ti on of the equip ment. Im pro per ope ra ti on re sults in dan ger of ac ci dents! When the main switch is swit ched off for rea sons per tai ning to sa fe ty, it m ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 14

    2.2. For the ope ra ting sa fe ty of the equip ment Ne ver chan ge set tings if the con se quen ces are not pre ci se ly known. Use only ori gi nal Ster ling spa re parts. Plea se ob ser ve the main ten an ce sche du le. Keep re cord of all main ten an ce and re pair work. Plea se note that elec tro nic com po nents may be da ma ged by sta tic disc ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 15

    3. Start-up Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 » This chap ter is in ten ded for ope ra ting per son nel. Pre re qui si te for this chap ter is ge ne ral knowled ge of the ope ra ti on of con vey - ing units. Also pre re qui si te for this chap ter is that the functio nal des crip ti on has been read and un ders tood. En su re in each case that the o ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 16

    3.1. Ad ju sting the con vey ing ra tio Ad just the con vey ing ra tio ac cor ding to your spe ci fic re qui re ments. Ver si on 1 By me ans of the ar row key, set the per cen ta ge of com po nent 1 (= re grind). Ex am ple De si red con vey ing ra tio: 40 % re grind and 60 % raw ma te ri al. Press the ar row key un til “40" ap pe ars on the ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 17

    3.2. De ter mi ning the sw it ching cy cle du ra ti on Mea su re the con vey ing time of the cor re spon ding hop per. Con sult the tab le (see chap ter ac ces so ries). Look for the va lue in the co lumn “con vey ing time”. Se lect a num ber of swit ching cy cles. Press the per cen ta ge key. By me ans of the ar row key, se lect the de si red ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 18

    a.) Set ting 50 se conds = 1 swit ching cy cle per con vey ing pro ce du re The SKW-E swit ches twi ce; it con veys re grind for 20 se conds and vir gin ma te ri al for 30 se - conds. Sig ni fi cant zo ning. b.) Set ting 10 = 5 swit ching cy cles per con vey ing pro ce du re The SKW-E swit ches ten ti mes; it con veys re grind for 4 se conds and vi ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 19

    3.3. Set ting the sw it ching cy cles Ver si on 1 Press the per cen ta ge key. By me ans of the ar row key, set the de ter min ed swit ching cy cle. Check the re sult. If the re sult is not sa tis fac to ry, cor rect the set ting. & If the re are too many swit ching cy cles, pro per con vey ing is not pos si ble. Ver si on 2 (op tio nal) Set th ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 20

    4. Er ror and er ror cor rec ti on Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 » This chap ter is in ten ded for the ope ra ting per son nel of the equip ment. Pre re qui si te for this chap ter is ge ne ral knowled ge of the ope ra ti on of con vey - ing units. The “Start-up” des crip ti on must have been read and un ders tood. En su re in each case that ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 21

    5. Main ten an ce Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 » This chap ter is in ten ded for per sons with skills in elec tri cal and me cha ni cal are as due to their trai ning, ex pe rien ce and re cei ved in struc tions. Per son nel using the in struc tions in this chap ter must be in struc ted of the re - gu la tions for the pre ven ti on of ac ci dent ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 22

    F Plea se ob ser ve the main ten an ce in ter vals. Be fo re star ting main ten an ce work, cle an the equip ment of oil, fuel or lu - bri cants. En su re that ma te ri als and in ci den tals re qui red for ope ra ti on as well as spa re parts are dis po sed of pro per ly and in an en vi ron men tal ly sound man ner. Use only ori gi nal Ster ling s ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 23

    6. Functio nal des crip ti on Ver si on: 64.10-0251D01 08/02 » This functio nal des crip ti on is in ten ded for the ope ra ting per son nel of the equip ment. Pre re qui si te for this functio nal des crip ti on is ge ne ral knowled ge of con vey or sys tems ope ra ti on. En su re in each case that the ope ra ting per son nel are suf fi cient ly ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 24

    6.1. Ge ne ral in for ma ti on The SKW-E has 2 in put con nec ting bran ches (vir gin ma te ri al in ta ke port, re grind in ta ke port) and an out put con nec ting branch lea ding to the con vey or unit. With the SKW-E it is pos si ble to con vey two com po nents to a hop per loa der. The SKW-E works in de pen den ce on the con vey ing cy cles of ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 25 Con vey ing ra tio The con vey ing ra tio bet ween com po nent 1 (= re grind) and com po nent 2 (= vir gin ma te ri al) can be free ly se lec ted. The con trol set ting re fers to the con vey ing time of com po nent 1 (= re grind). The con vey ing time of com po nent 1 can be set from 0 to 99 % of to tal con vey ing time. Ex am ple Pro por ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 26

    Ex am ple: Con vey ing time: 90 se conds, cy cle pe ri od = 15 se conds Cal cu la ti on of swit ching cy cles: co n v e yi n g t i m e cy c l e p e r i o d s wi t c h i n g cy cl e s s s sw = = 9 0 1 5 6 i t c h i n g c y c l e s F Cy cle pe ri od must al ways be high enough that bot h vir gin ma te ri al and re - grind are con vey ed pro per ly. 6 ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 27

    7. Tran sport, As sem bly and Sto ra ge Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 » This chap ter is in ten ded for all ope ra ting per son nel of the equip ment. Per son nel using the se in struc tions must be in struc ted in the re gu la tions for the pre ven ti on of ac ci dents, the ope ra ting con di tions and sa fe ty re gu la tions and their im ple m ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 28

    7.1. Tran sport and Pac king » Plea se en su re ade qua te car ry ing ca pa ci ty of the lif ting equip ment. The equip ment pass a ri go rous ope ra ting test in the fac to ry and are pa cked ca re ful ly to avoid trans port da ma ge. Plea se check pac king on de li very for trans port da ma ge. The in let and disch ar ge flan ges are sea led wit ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 29

    8. In stal la ti on in struc tions Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 » The se in stal la ti on in struc tions are in ten ded for per sons with skills in elec tri - cal and me cha ni cal are as due to their trai ning, ex pe rien ce and re cei ved in - struc tions. Per son nel using the se in stal la ti on in struc tions must be in struc ted in the re ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 30

    8.1. Installation In stal la ti on is pos si ble in any po si ti on. The con trol sys tem can be in stal led on the base pla te or in a ma xi mum dis tan ce of 3 m (9.84 ft.) from the unit. The con trol unit must be ac ces si ble at any time. In stall the S KW-E in such man ner that dif fe ren ces in con vey ing dis tan ces for the two com po nents ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 31

    8.2. Elec tri cal con nec ti on » The reg u la tions of the lo cal Elec tric ity Board must be ob served. Be fore con nec tion to the elec tric ity sup ply, it should be en sured that the sup - ply volt age and the power fre quency are in ac cor dance with the data on the name plate of the ma chine. The elec tri cal con nec tion may only be car ri ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 32

    8.2.2. Ster ling Sing le Con vey or Unit w ith 24 V-Out put Port The po wer con sump ti on amounts to ap prox. 15 watt. The ope ra ting vol ta ge a mounts to ap prox. 24 V. In stall the ca ble (2 x 0.75 mm², 30 cm long) from the so le noid val ve of the pneu ma tic cy lin der in the con trol sys tem (plea se fol low the con nec ti on dia gram). In ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 33

    8.3. Com pres sed air supp ly For ac ti va ting the pneu ma tic push-pis ton a com pres sed-air supp ly is ne ces sa ry. Check com pres sed air pi ping for cor rect in stal la ti on and as sem bly. Check fit tings, length and qua li ty of the hose con nec tions for agree ment with re qui re ments. The ope ra ting pres su re is 5-6 bar (72.52-87.02 ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 34

    9. Tech ni cal data Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 » The se in struc tions ap ply to all per sons wit hin the ran ge of ac ti on of the equip - ment. The se ope ra ting in struc tions are to be used by all per sons as sig ned ac ti vi - ties con nec ted with the equip ment. 1 4 6 - 3 M S SKW-E Tech ni cal data 9 - 1 ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 35

    Ba sic Ver si on • In te gra ted, dust proo fed con trol ler with di gi tal dis play • Vol ta ge 24 V DC / 230 V AC, N, PE • Com pres sed air supp ly 4-6 bar sys tem over pres su re • Con nec ti on to a con vey ing con trol sys tem or a con vey or • Re grind ad jus tab le 0-100 % • Weight 500 g (1.10 lbs.) Con fi gu ra tions • SKW-E w ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 36

    10. Spa re Parts List Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 » » This spa re parts list is in ten ded to be used only by trai ned per son nel. Ot her per sons are not per mit ted to mo di fy or re pair the equip ment. & Wear Code: A = Wea ring part, fast used up B = Wea ring part C = Spa re part, sto re kee ping for 1 year D = Spa re part, sto re ke ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 37

    10.1. SKW-E Pos. Or der no. De sig na ti on 1 84082 4/2 So le noid valve 84080 Ca ble plug 84081 Noi se re du cer 2 85502 Pneu ma tic thruster SKW-E 40 2 82981 Pneu ma tic thrus ter SKW-E 50 3 37736 Push-piston SKW-E 40 ( POM) 3 37720 Push-piston SKW-E 50 ( POM) 4 83401 Controller 24 V 4 83400 Controller 230 V, 50 Hz O/N Con trol ler 110V 60 Hz 10. ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 38

    11. Ac ces so ries Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02 o Ta ble Con vey ing time / Num ber of swit ching cy cles o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 4 6 - 3 M S SKW-E Ac ces so ries 11 - 1 ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 39

    Con vey ing Num ber of swit ching cy cles at cy cle pe ri od (se conds) time (sec.) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 * **** * ** * 1 10 * **** * * * 1 2 15 * **** * * 1 1,5 3 20 * **** * 1 1,3 2 4 25 * *** * 1 1,3 1,7 2,5 5 30 * ** * 1 1,2 1,5 23 6 35 * * * 1 1,2 1,4 1,8 2,3 3,5 7 40 * * 1 1,1 1,3 1,6 2 2,7 4 8 45 * 1 1,1 1,3 1,5 1,8 2,3 3 4,5 9 50 1 ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 40

    12. E lec tri cal ma nu al Ver si on: 64.10-0 251GB01 08/02 » This elec tri cal ma nu al is in ten ded to be used only by Ster ling ser vi ce per son - nel and trai ned per son nel aut ho ri zed by Ster ling. Ot her per sons are not per mit ted to mo di fy or re pair the equip ment. o Con nec ti on dia gram no .: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 41

    SKW-E, 24 V 1 4 6 - 3 M S SKW-E E lec tri cal ma nu al 12 - 2 ...

  • Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - page 42

    SKW-E, 110 V 1 4 6 - 3 M S SKW-E E lec tri cal ma nu al 12 - 3 ...

Manufacturer Sterling Plumbing Category Plumbing Product

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Sterling Plumbing SKW-E can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Sterling Plumbing technical drawings
- SKW-E manuals
- Sterling Plumbing product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Sterling Plumbing SKW-E
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Sterling Plumbing SKW-E.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Sterling Plumbing SKW-E, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Sterling Plumbing SKW-E. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Sterling Plumbing SKW-E.

A complete manual for the device Sterling Plumbing SKW-E, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Sterling Plumbing SKW-E by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Sterling Plumbing SKW-E.

A complete Sterling Plumbing manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Sterling Plumbing SKW-E, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Sterling Plumbing SKW-E, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Sterling Plumbing SKW-E - which should help us in our first steps of using Sterling Plumbing SKW-E
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Sterling Plumbing SKW-E
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Sterling Plumbing SKW-E in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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