Manual Wentronic 96007

32 pages Not applicable

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  • Wentronic 96007 - page 1

    Bet rie bsanl eit ung User ‘s Manual Infrarot - Bewegun gsmelder IP20 IN FR AR ED M O TIO N S ENSO RS I P2 0 Beweg ung sme ld er I DUS A r t . N o . 9 5 17 1 Beweg ung sme ld er I DUW Art .No . 96005 Beweg ung sme ld er I DA A r t . N o . 9 5 17 2 Beweg ung sme ld er I DA trip pl e Art .No . 9600 7 Beweg ung sme ld er I DU A r t . N o . 9 5 17 3 ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 2

    2 1 Sicherh eit shinweise ACHTU NG! D ie M on t ag e un d De m on ta ge d e s Pro du k t s da r f n ur d ur ch a usg e bi ld e te s Fach p er so na l er fo lg en! Betriebsanleitu ng ACHTU NG! L es en Si e d ie B et r i eb sa nl ei tu ng vo ll st än di g und s or gf ä lt i g du rc h. Si e i st B es t an dt ei l d es Pr od uk t e s und enthält wic ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 3

    3 AC HTUNG! Kurzschlussgefahr! Überbrüc ken Sie keine K ontakte! Stec ken S ie kein e Ge ge nst änd e in Lüf tung ss ch lit ze o der Anschlus sbuchsen! AC HTUNG! V erlet zungsgefahr durch herabstürzende T e il e un d St oß! Ach ten Si e auf s oli de B efes ti gun g! Befe sti ge n Si e das Pr odu k t in de r vorg eg ebe nen H öh e! • ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 4

    4 2 Beschreibung und F unk tion Ihr Pr odu k t ist e in Inf ra rot- Bewe gun gsm el der f ür de n Inn enb e - rei chun dste llte lek t rote ch nis ch esIn sta lla tio nsm ater i al.dar.Es rea gie r tau fWärm est ra hlun g(Inf ra rot- Str ahl ung)vonsic h bewe gen denO bj ek te n,died enEr fas sung s ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 5


  • Wentronic 96007 - page 6

    6 Betriebsanl eitung GEF A HR! Lebensgefahr dur ch Stromschlag! Vermei de n Sie d en Kon tak t m it N et zs pann ung en! Sc halt en Si e vor A r be iten a m Ge rät i mme r all e Str om kr eis e spannungsfrei! 9 5 17 3 EMPFINDLICHKEIT S ENSITIVITY ZEIT T IME 3 Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch   D ie se sPro duk tis tfürd ieVer we ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 7

    7 1 . Sc halt enSi edieS ic he ru ngab. 2. Kontr ol lie renS iemi tein emS pann ung spr üf er ,obd iezu   verdrah tendenL eitungenwirklichspann ungsfreisind. Im Zwei fel mu ss d ie In sta llat io n dur ch e ine El ek tr o - Fac hk raf t  erfolgen. 3. Kontr oll ie renS ie ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 8


  • Wentronic 96007 - page 9

    9 9 517 3 1 .   2. Im L iefe ru mfa ng is t Mo nta gema ter ial f ür B eto nwän de / - d ec ken entha lte n. An der e Ma ter ial ien b enö tig en u.U. an der es Mo nta ge - materia l. Anschluss 9 5171 / 9 6 0 0 5 9 517 2 9 6 0 0 7 VERBRAUCHE R EINGANG INPU T Ver - braucher ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 10

    10 95 1 7 3 96006 Legende:  L Phase (Leiter )   N Nullleiter(Masse )   A Verbr auc her( La mpe) 8. Ste ckenS iedi eLüst er kl emm enac hde mAn sc hlus saufd ie  dafür vorgesehenenHalt enasen. 9. Verbi nde nSieA b dec k kapp eun dBewe gun gsm eld erun d ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 11

    11 OFF:  Al leFunk ti one nsin daus ges ch alte t. PIR:  Reichweiteneinst ellung PIR+MI C:  D ieRe ic hwei tene ins tell ungun ddasM ik rof on    s indzu sät z lic hak t iv.Diese sre agi er ta uf     ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 12

    12 Betriebsanl eitung 6 P eg e,War tung ,La ge run gundT r ansp or t • DasPr od uk tistwa r tu ngs fr ei. • Sc halt en Si e die S ic he ru ng ab u nd tr enn en S ie das P ro duk t  vomSt ro mnet z. • Reini ge nSi eesnu rmitei nemt ro cken en,we ic henT uc h.  Ge hen ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 13

    13 7 Pr oblembehebung Prob le m Abhilfe DasPr od uk t funk tionier tnicht. •Prü fenS ie,o ball eKab elr ic ht ig ang esc hl os sens ind. • Prü fen S ie d ie Funk ti on de r La mpe und sc ha lten S ie n ach f er t ig er M ont a - gedi eSic he r ungw ied ere in. •Übe rp r üfe nS ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 14

    14 Betriebsanl eitung ma x.Le istu ng 50 0W 1 20 0W(Gl ühl amp e ) 30 0W( Ener gie spa r - lampe ) Mindest last 40W 1W Erkennu ngsbereich 4 - 9 m m a x.6m( <24°C) Er ke nn un g sw i nke l 16 0 ° 360° Betriebstemperatur -20~+4 0 °C rel.Lu f t fe uc hte <9 3%RH Energieaufnahme (inBe tr ie b? ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 15

    15 ma x.Le istu ng 50 0W (Glühlampe ) 100W (Ener gi e - sparlampe ) 1 20 0W (G l ü h - lampe ) 30 0W (Ener gi e - sparlam - p e) 80 0W (Glühlam - p e) 20 0W (Ener gi e - sparlam - p e) Mindest last 1W Erkennu ngsbereich ma x.9m max.6m(<24°C ) Er ke nn un g sw i nke l 16 0 ° 360° Betrieb ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 16

    16   n ach weisvo r .IhrH än dle rwir ddenFeh le rent we dervo rOr t  beh ebe n,od erda sPro duk t ande nHe rs tell erwe iter le ite n.  Sie er l eic hte rnu nse renT ec hniker ni hreA r bei tse hr ,wenn Sie eventu el le Fehl er au sfü hr lic h be s ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 17

    17 derS tof f tren nun g,Ver wer tungu ndEnt sor gun gvonA ltg er äten lei stenS iee ine nwic ht ige nBe itr agzu mSc hut zun ser erU mwelt . WEEER ic ht lini e: 201 2 /19/EG WEEEN r .:  82 89 8 6 22 1 1 C E- Konformitätser klärung  Di ese sG eräti stmi tdern ac ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 18

    18 User‘s Manual Content Page 1 Safet y I nst r uct io ns 18 2 De scr i pti onan dFunct io n  20 3 I ntend ed U se 21 4 Sc op eofDe live r y   2 2 5 Inst all inga ndO per ati ng   22 6 Mai nten anc e,Ca re,St ora gean dT r ans po r t 2 6 7 T rou ble sho ot i ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 19

    19 • Thisp ro duc tisn otatoyandi snotm eantf orc hil dre n,  bec au se it c o nta ins sm all p ar t s whi ch c an b e swal lowe d an d  ca ninj urew henu sedi nap pro pr iat ely ! • Dono tusea nydama gedp ro duc tso rpar ts. • Removeors tore ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 20

    20 User‘s Manual  prot ec teda gain stf ur t heru se.Rep air in g,suc hasa sse mbl ing and di sa sse mbl ing th e ho usin g is o nly al lowe d to sk ill ed  pro fes sio na ls.Byr epa ir ingi tyour se lfyouw illl oo seal l  war ran tie s an d the re is a r i sk of el ec tr ic s ho c ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 21

    21 96005 96006 95 1 72/96007 9 5 17 3 3 I nt end ed Use  Thi spro du ctism adef orh omeu seli kedesc r ibe din  c hap ter2.Wedon otpe r mitus ingt hi spro duc tinot he r ways.Us ethep ro duc ton lyindr yinter i orr oom s.Ifn otat ten din g to ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 22

    22 User‘s Manual 4 Scop e of D eli ver y Infrared mo tion sensor User‘s manual Inst al lati on m ater ia l 2 x 2 x 5 Inst alling and Operating Installation 1 . Sw itc hof ft hema insf use. 2. Che ckw ithavo lt aget este rtobes ure,al llin esar erea lly  str es s- fr ee.I findo ub ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 23

    23 SPLAYBOLT MOUNTINGHOLE OPENFACEPLAT FIXEDARM SPREIZBOLZEN FIXIERARM BEFESTIGUNGSLOC H KAPPE ENTFERNEN SPREIZBOLZE N FIXIERARM BEFESTIGUNGS - LOCH KAPPE ÖFFNEN 951 73:bypus hingu pwar ds. 9 6 0 0 6: no c over c ap in clu de d Cho os e the i nsta lla ti on pl ace a way fro m str ee t lig hti ng , plan ts or air ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 24

    24 User‘s Manual 9 517 3 1 .   2 . The s co pe o f del iver y i nc lud es ins tal lat ion m ater ia l for c on cr ete wall s or c eil in gs. O th er mat er ials n eed o ther i nst all ati on ma ter ial . Wiring 9 5171 / 9 6 0 0 5 9 517 2 9 6 0 0 7 VERBRAUCHE R EINGANG INPU T ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 25

    25 95 1 7 3 96006 Note:  L pha se(ho t)   N zeroc on duc to r(grou nd)   A co nsu mer( lamp) 8. Plu gth elust erter m inalo ntot hepr ovid edl ugs. 9. Co nne ctm oti ons ens oran dc overc apan dlo ckt he  connection. 10.Swit cho nthem ain s? ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 26

    26 User‘s Manual TIM E:  Adjus tthel igh tin gtim e.( 10s~7min. ) LUX:  Adj ustt heph oto sen sit ivi t y .(3 -20 0 0L x ) SEN S:  Adju stth edete ct io ndist an ce.(4 - 9m) MI C:  Ad justt hes oun dco ntr ols ens iti vit yo fthe   ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 27

    27 • Thed evic eism aint ena nc e -f re e. • Sw itc h of f t he ma ins f use a nd di sc onn ec t th e pro du ct f rom mains! • Useadr yands of tc lot htoc lea nyourp ro duc t.B ec aref ulto  avoids cr atch es.U seasl ig htlym oi stcl ot hforh eav yst ain s. ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 28

    28 8 Sp ecicat ions Model 9 5 171 9 517 2 9 5 17 3 Input voltage 22 0 -24 0 V AC / 50 H z Ambient brightness 3 -200 0 lx Op era tin gtim e min.10+/- 3s ma x.7 +/-2min. IP class IP20 ma x.Powe r 50 0W 1 20 0W (incandesc ent ) 30 0W (energys avin glam p ) Minimum load 40W 1W Detection range 4- 9 m ma ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 29

    29 Input voltage 220 -240 V AC / 5 0 Hz Ambient brightness 3 -200 0lx 10 -200 0lx Op era tin gtim e min.10+/- 3s ma x.7 +/-2min. 5/ 3 0s, 1/3/ 5 /8m in. IP class IP20 - ma x.Powe r 50 0W (incande - s c e n t) 100W (energys a - vinglamp ) 1 20 0W (incande - s c e n t) 30 0W ( energy sav in g lamp ) ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 30

    30 User‘s Manual •  Ifa nyfaul torda mag eisdet ec tedo nyourd evic e,pl eas e co nt act yo ur de ale r and p rovi de you r sal es sl ip or i nvoic e as  evid enc eoft hepu rc hase,i fne ce ss ar y .Y ou rdea lerw ill   rep airt hefau ltei the ron ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 31

    31 toenvi ron men talp rot ec ti on. WEEED ir ec ti ve: 2012/19/EC WEEEN o: 828 9 8 62 2 1 1 C E Declar ation   Th isdev ic ec or re spo ndst oEUdire ct ive   2 0 0 4/108 / ECand20 0 6/9 5 /EC:W itht heC Esi gn? ...

  • Wentronic 96007 - page 32

    Revi si onDa te2014 - 01-2 0 Ve r s i o n 3 Go o bay ® Pillmannstraße 1 2 381 12 Braunsc hweig Germany Ma deinC hin a. Hot li ne:+4 9(0180)5 0 05 8 82 E-M ail: info@goobay. de Web:w w w.go *(0, 14€pr oMin utea usde mde ut sc henFe st net z . Ma x ima l0,42€p roM in uteau s ...

Manufacturer Wentronic Category Motion detector

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Wentronic 96007 can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Wentronic technical drawings
- 96007 manuals
- Wentronic product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Wentronic 96007
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Wentronic 96007.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Wentronic 96007, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Wentronic 96007. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Wentronic 96007.

Similar manuals

A complete manual for the device Wentronic 96007, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Wentronic 96007 by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Wentronic 96007.

A complete Wentronic manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Wentronic 96007 - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Wentronic 96007, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Wentronic 96007, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Wentronic 96007 - which should help us in our first steps of using Wentronic 96007
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Wentronic 96007
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Wentronic 96007 in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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